Raw Strawberry Banana Cheesecake with Fruit Coulis

by Natalie

Raw Cheesecake!

Raw Cheesecake!

I found two different Raw Cheesecake recipes online. I made both individually and then combined the recipes to make what I think is the Best Raw Cheesecake - YUMMY!!!!

Raw Strawberry Banana Cheesecake with Fruit Coulis

1c raw macadamia nuts
½ c raw walnuts
1 1/3 c dates
3 - 4 T cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
Pinch of sea salt
Unsweetened coconut

3c raw cashews (soaked overnight)
2 medium sized lemons juiced
½ fresh banana
5 fresh strawberries
3T Agave or raw honey
¾ cup Coconut oil
2T vanilla

Fruit Coulis:
2c frozen mixed berries
1/2c dates
Fresh strawberries and blueberries for decoration

Combine macadamia nuts, walnuts and dates in food processor. (Don’t add coconut!!!) Begin to process. Add vanilla, salt and cocoa. Process well.
You do not want any large chunks of ingredients.

Get cheesecake pan and sprinkle coconut in the bottom. This will help make it easier to remove from the pan when serving. Press the crust into the bottom of the pan and this will form the crust.

Throw all filling ingredients into high-speed blender. Blend until nice and smooth.

Place the filling onto the top of the crust and put in freezer until desired consistency.

Just before serving, blend your frozen mixed berries and dates.

Plate each cheesecake slice with topping and fresh strawberries and blueberries.

***Defrost the cheesecake about an hour or two before eating***


Comments for Raw Strawberry Banana Cheesecake with Fruit Coulis

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Loved this Dessert!
by: Walt & Emily

We love this dessert. I have made it twice now and will continue to make it and serve it to our friends and family, and share the recipe with them. It is such a great substitute for ice cream or cheesecake, or when we have the desire for something sweet late night....this is a great treat...we really enjoy it a lot.

I added one small variation...I added almond milk (soaked almonds overnight, drained water out and added fresh filtered water to almonds then blended until I got almond milk) to the filling. This makes the filling extra creamy.

Great Job!


Natalie's Raw Cheesecake Testimonial
by: Tory

I have been enjoying Whole Foods' "Almost Cheesecake" for the last two years from their headquarters in Austin, TX. At $16.99 per pound, one slice easily exceeds $10, but the benefits are priceless.

When I first tried Natalie's Raw Strawberry Banana Cheesecake I was amazed at how delicious it was, upon first trial it seemed as good as the Whole Food "Almost Cheesecake". Then a week later we had a slice of WF "Almost Cheesecake" and it was not near as good as Natalie's Raw Cheesecake.

I've since enjoyed Natalie's Raw Cheesecake on several occasions and every bite is pure enjoyment.

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