Chia Seed Benefits

Who knew that the little chia seeds from the chia pet of years ago, actually has chia seed benefits?

If you have never tried chia seeds, you will be delighted using them the first time. Some chia seed benefits are a remarkable ability to form a gel around the seed when liquid is added to them. This gel is created from the soluble fats and is made completely from water. When liquid is added to them they become very much like the texture of tapioca...but with great chia seed benefits!

The seed takes on the taste of the food it is combined with, so you can make it taste like whatever you want.

Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

Because of the gel that forms around the seed when liquid is added to it, the seed increases its size and weight. You feel full for hours after eating it. Feeling hungry can sabotage a diet, so they can really help.  And better still...the gel is water and contains no calories.

Here is food for thought on chia seed benefits for weight loss:

We typically CRAVE the foods that our body is low on. These little seeds are loaded with calcium, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals that CUT cravings.

If you are looking to lose weight, and want to add nutrition at the same time...try them.  They are now a staple I go to numerous times a week to add to my food preparations.

Chia Seed Nutrition

-One of natures complete protein sources- unlike most proteins that must be eaten with another food to get full benefits of the protein in it...chia seeds can be eaten alone. The Aztec warriors had them as a basic survival ration. Per Andrew Weil, MD 5/12/2006 it has been said that 1 tablespoon can sustain a person for 24 hours.
    -A one ounce serving gives you 18% of your daily requirement of calcium, 42% of fiber, and almost HALF of your daily requirement for protein.

    -Omega-3's- contain very high levels which are important for heart and cholesterol health.

    -Rich in antioxidants- helps prevent free radical damage that lead to premature aging and disease processes. They can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid.

    -Low in carbohydrates.

    -Balances Blood sugar-because of its unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, when eaten with a meal it helps turn your food into a steady energy rather than the ups and downs that are tiring.

    -Contains calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Where to Purchase and How to Use

I used to just be able to find at the health food store but lately I am seeing chia seeds at my local grocery store as well. I find them in the baking goods aisle. Ask your grocer if you cant find them-they usually will order for you if they typically don't carry them.

Here is a very small list of uses:

    Sprinkle on raw yogurt, puddings, cereal, vegetables, casseroles, desserts, and salads.
    Put into nutrition bars, baby food, soups, granola, smoothies and raw oatmeal.
    Eat as a snack.
    Grind into flour.
    Mix with water, a sweetener such as agave or honey, and lime or lemon juice. This is known in Mexico as a chia fresca.

**One of my favorite recipes is to add it to old fashioned or steel cut oats, nut milk, and throw in raisins, cranberries, dried or fresh fruit, coconut...cover with plastic wrap and put in refrigerater overnight. Instant breakfast that is sweet with no added sugar!

Try these little powerhouses! I think they may become a staple in your pantry as well!

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