Raw Food Freed Me From Type 1 Diabetes!

by Marcus Grip
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Hi! My name is Marcus Grip and I run the website Diabetic Diet Guide where I talk about my way to become free from diabetes type 1 and on that way, Raw Food has been a VERY big part of it!

There are some parts of Raw Food that I can't do, like the sweet parts with honey and a lot of fruits. Still, I know they're great and I have them sometimes in small amounts but the big part about having everything raw, uncooked and organic "straight from nature" kind of way is what made a big impact on me.

Natural and healthy food shifted my body in a complete way and I went from 6 shots a day to almost nothing through mostly Raw Food and of course exercise. The right food and right exercise is such a powerful combination for everyone and especially diabetics.

Raw Food makes my body balanced, alkaline and full of nutrition that I need to function properly and that have healed my body and pancreas to start producing for itself again which I believe (against all western medicine's beliefs) is curable!

Thanks to Raw Food, I can now live free and happy and also get a chance to help others with this knowledge, story and food!

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